Diving Into Touring……

SCUBA National Touring Network for Dance

SCUBA National Touring Network for Dance is a co-operative enterprise founded by Velocity Dance Center,

in conjunction with ODC Theater in San Francisco, The Southern Theater in Minneapolis, and Philadelphia Dance Projects. From the beginning, SCUBA met the ambitious goal of touring regionally established, nationally emerging artists to and from the participating cities.The Velocity Dance Center in Seattle, ODC Theater in San Francisco,  Philadelphia Dance Projects and independent curator Laurie van Wieren in Minneapolis partnered together to make SCUBA happen in their cities. For over 10 years SCUBA provided precious touring opportunities for local dance artists and gave audiences a fantastic view of the breadth of choreographic invention across the country.   In 2014 the presenting partners set this project aside since there was not enough national funding support to match local resources.  To date it remains  “a sleeping giant” perhaps to awaken again.... as it is so important for the early to mid-career artists who are looking to begin their national touring experience and have developed dance work ready for a small-scale tour.

"A kind of Whitney Biennial of dance, this mobile showcase taps the country’s best emerging talent… and sends them on the road." Minnesota Monthly

“A fascinating look at developing talent, from Philadelphia and other cities.”    – Philadelphia Inquirer

Thanks to over 50 principal artists and their companies who toured in SCUBA. Thanks to KT Niefhoff who initiated SCUBA, and presenters Rob Bailis, Kara O’Toole, Jeff Barlett, Terry Fox, Tonya Lockyer, Laurie Van Wieren and Christy Bolingbroke.  Thanks to the NEA Dance Program that consistently supported the Network during its 10 year history .                                                              


SCUBA made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.


Tonya Lockyer, Director Velocity Dance Center

Top photo:  Body Cartography Project (MN)